
ExoAtlet II

is intended for use as a gait training and rehabilitation device to improve walking function and independence in patients with a neurological or muscular injury, illness, or weakness.

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Methods of control

— Smart crutch for a patient;
— Tablet for medical staff or an assistant.

Usability and safety features 

— Natural gait pattern: accurate adjustment
for every patient;
— Ergonomic handles on the back for physical
therapists with the control button;
— Emergency shutdown & Spasticity Protection Unit;
— Back support for patients with cervical injuries;
— Ergonomic materials that are easy to clean;
— One battery charge is enough for a full day’s training;
— Adjustments don’t require any tools;

  • up to 100 kg
    – a patient’s weight
  • 160-190 cm
    – a patient’s height


ExoAtlet II has 13 anthropometric settings, including adduction and abduction of the thigh and inversion and eversion of the foot. This allows individual adjustments for each patient’s physical conditions.

For patients with






— and after ARTHROPLASTY


CE Mark and ISO:13485 certified, cleared by FDA.



Real-time training reporting

Convenient way of controlling the data on training sessions, the analysis of which allows to tailor the ExoRehabilitation sessions more efficiently to the patient’s needs.

"ExoAtlet exoskeleton allowed me to test my scientific hypothesis, answer the questions that would remain unanswered otherwise, and state new questions. With its help, I compared patterns of neural activity occurring in the human brain in healthy and pathological conditions. For example, the use of the exoskeleton during brain-machine interface control tests revealed fundamentally different dynamics of neural activity occurring in different patterns of locomotion."

Miguel Pais-Vieira, Professor, PhD., Doctor at Católica University, Portugal

"ExoAtlet is the best solution not only for practical tasks of my patients’ rehabilitation but also for research on the motor control of posture and locomotion – the fundamental studies that eventually lead to new clinical applications. With the aid of a brain-machine interface, human participants can simply give commands to the exoskeleton by thinking about it. Moreover, we’ve been investigating how such a brain-to-exoskeleton link could contribute to functional restoration and rehabilitation of patients suffering from lower-limb paralysis."

Mikhail Lebedev, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist at Duke University, the USA.